Certified productions

Colorificio Zetagi S.r.l.


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CQA Interior Wood Coating System

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Product:Coating system: Retron bicomponent base coat “W” code 615270 (cat. 12%) (one layer of 120 g/m2) + Retron bicomponent top coat “W” 20 gloss code 615380 (cat. 12%) (one layer of 120 g/m2) + Hardener “W” A code 730030
Certificate number:02
Valid until:31/12/2027
Granting year:2007
Certification status:Active
Revision date:01/01/2024
CQA Interior Wood Coating System

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Product:Coating System: impregnating stain 681XXX WFJ + Retron bicomponent primer "W" 615270 (cat. 10%) (one layer- minimum wet film thickness 150 micron) + top coat Hydro 2K20 walnut 178201 20 gloss (cat. 10%) (one layer- minimum wet film thickness 150 micron) + hardener 730073
Certificate number:06
Valid until:31/12/2026
Granting year:2022
Certification status:Active
Revision date:01/07/2022