Why get certified?

Multiply the value of your product.

Present in a single brand:

  • Technical value: safety and performance are verified and tested in the laboratory.
  • Objective value: based on requirements and test methods established by the technical reference standards.
  • Distinctive value: excellence and quality certified by CATAS.

The value of certification.

Compared to the laboratory test carried out on a single sample selected by the customer, the product certification extends its value to an entire production and, consequently, to the production process from which it derives.

The value of the certification brand.

The brand certifies conformity over time to specific technical, product and process requirements, subject to constant verification by an independent body.

How to get certified?

A simple process and assisted at all stages by a technical secretariat that will accompany you step by step from the application to the license to use the brand, in just 5 steps!

  1. Application
  2. Audit and sampling
  3. Laboratory tests
  4. Mark granting
  5. Monitoring and maintenance

The audits in the company and in the laboratory are carried out by our inspectors and technicians, qualified and constantly updated in the specific field of your reference.

For each company interested in product certification, an annual program of controls and activities will be defined, both in the company and in our laboratories:

  • Inspections by CATAS: during the year, our technicians perform random sampling at the company and carry out the required tests on these at our laboratories.
  • Internal monitoring by the company: the company itself undertakes to carry out periodic internal tests on the product, regularly sending us the results.