Privacy policy

Catas S.p.A. welcomes you to its website and invites you to read this page carefully before consulting the site in order to be aware of the of terms and conditions of the processing of your personal data.

What is this notice?
This is a document that explains how the company Catas SpA (hereafter referred to as CATAS) will handle your personal data, which you decide to disclose.

Why do I have to provide my data?
In your navigation of our website and related online forms, some data may be collected automatically by the technological infrastructure (e.g. access logs).
In addition, data may be explicitly provided by you (e.g., for form inquiries, subscription to our newsletter, or registration for courses and training initiatives).

Are there any other purposes?
Under no circumstances - unless you give your explicit consent - will the data be processed for purposes other than and/or not specifically related to your requests.
Only in anonymized form, the information of access to the site (pages browsed, etc.) may be used by the company for marketing analysis purposes or for the control of the proper functioning of the services offered.

Who is the data controller?
The data controller is the company Catas SpA with headquarters in Via Antica, 24 33048 in San Giovanni al Natisone (UD) - P.IVA IT01818850305.

Where and how is my data stored?
Your personal data that you share with CATAS will be managed by the company mainly in digital mode.
They will be mainly stored within the company's premises and at the premises of the hosting provider, always and in any case within the Italian territory and in compliance with the current legislation regarding the protection of personal data.

Who can access my data?
Your personal data will be treated with care, allowing access to it by the person in charge and authorized by the company in the context of website management activities and requests from the same.

To whom else will my data be disclosed?
CATAS relies on the cooperation of a hosting provider who takes care of keeping the company website efficient and secure. This provider can access the operating logs of the systems and consequently the navigation data in these logs.

What data are we talking about?
The data processed by CATAS are your personal data, telephone numbers, e-mail, logs of access and use of the site content (processed anonymously), navigation IP address.

What about my sensitive data?
No processing of data of a sensitive nature (formerly special data) is envisaged.

What is the Catas newsletter?
Catas sends, only to users who have explicitly requested registration, communications by email (typically monthly). These communications contain information of interest to the user, related to courses, events, activities, technical aspects.
In each email there is an unsubscribe link, which allows the user to withdraw consent to receive further communications from Catas.

How long will the data be retained?
Your data will be retained:
- 6 months regarding access logs to the web platform
- 12 months regarding form enquiries
- until consent is revoked regarding subscription to the Catas Newsletter

Can I refuse to disclose my data?
Yes, you may refuse to disclose some or all of your data. In this case, however, the company may not be able to proceed with the service.

Can I deny my consent in the future? How?
I can change or withhold my consent to processing by sending an e-mail to [email protected].

What regulations are we referring to?
This information and the entire data processing activity is carried out in accordance with the European GDPR regulation (Reg. EU. 679/16) and current Italian law.

To get more information?
For any further information, please send an e-mail to [email protected]. We will endeavour to clarify any queries you may have regarding data processing as soon as possible, but no later than within two weeks.

The data controller